Thursday 31 January 2013


I was up bright and early this morning so I could go shopping into York...I like to set off early, do what I need to do and get home before lunchtime.

I made the mistake of going into Cath Kidston's to find that the nappy bag I bought my daughter has now been reduced by £20...typical. annoyed.jpg (37×36)

I was going to treat myself to a new handbag, but managed to persuade myself that I don't actually need another handbag...aren't I good? Angel-smiley.png (32×32)

I bought a little gift for my friend who I am going to see tomorrow, she lives in the wilds of "Last of The Summer Wine" country, I haven't seen her for ages and am really looking forward to a catch up.  I take her all my old magazines and I have a pile of them for her now.  She is taking me out for lunch to a lovely pub/restaurant near to where she lives, and the food is delicious.

My daughter found out yesterday that her company are allowing her to go back part-time when she finishes Maternity Leave and she is over the moon about it...she didn't want to go back full time.  I am going to look after little Noah for two days per week...can't wait. Big_Grin_Happy_Smilie.gif (79×78)

It's still very blustery here today, and one of my re-cycling boxes has lost a lid somewhere.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Raining sideways.....

Well what a gusty day...the rain has been practically coming down sideways.  I saw a poor woman walking her little dog this afternoon and it was nearly lifting the dog off the floor it was so windy. th_fl7.gif (138×50)

I have been down to see my daughter and Noah this afternoon, and her friend was there too, they have known each other since they were six years old,  Rebecca now lives just around the corner from my daughter and has a little boy of two years old.  She works part-time and her son is at nursery was lovely to see her as it's been ages.  Noah wasn't very keen on her though and kept crying when she went anywhere near him...he's at that clingy stage I think.  Thankfully, he likes me.

As I was leaving to come home, we realised that the wind had blown my daughter's dustbin half way down the drive.windy.gif (128×100)

I have had a huge piece of treacle tart at my daughter's...yummy, but very greedy of me.full-of-food-smiley-emoticon.gif (91×108)

I am debating whether or not to trail out and treat myself to a chinese takeaway...should I or shouldn't I?

It seems to be less windy now out there thank goodness.

P.S.  Chinese ordered, collected and now eaten...yum.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

A lovely facial and a bag of sweets....

Wow, what a mild day it's been, albeit grey and dark out there.

I slept in until 9.00 am this morning...I obviously needed the extra zzzzzzzzzzz time.  I was woken up by the telephone and my son just checking in to have a quick chat before he headed in to uni.

I had a quick shower and grabbed a coffee (I rarely have breakfast, although I know I should).  I found some old books and I have put them to one side to take to charity...I am trying to find something every day that I no longer need or use to get rid of...I am on a de-cluttering spree, and nothing will stop me.

This afternoon I have been for a facial to my local salon, it seems like ages since I had my last one, and it has been thoroughly delightful.  I have had a 3 in 1 super and intensive facial, which involves Microdermabrasion, Bio Lifting and an Oxyjet treatment...I now look 10 years younger (not really).  When I came out of the salon I turned the wrong way on the high street and ended up in the sweet shop by accident where I bought a bag of Lions Sports Mixtures.  th_smiley-pinocchio-liar.gif (44×25)

I shall be having a nice salad later to make up for my greed.  th_smiley-pinocchio-liar.gif (44×25)

I was just keeping my fingers crossed that I didn't bump into anyone I know when I was venturing back to my car as my hair was looking decidedly oily after my facial.

Monday 28 January 2013

Asthma Clinic, flu jabs and shopping......

I've been to the Asthma Clinic today at my doctor's surgery, and whilst I was sitting in the waiting room there was a woman sneezing all over the place and a bloke coughing and spluttering for England...I might have been fit and well when I got there, but it won't be a surprise if I'm not struck down with some sort of virus after that. 135507311.8SbCIYaU.10_2_26.gif (65×53) Also, since the last time I was there (in about October), they have now set up a new signing in system in the reception have to input your date of birth, and initials onto a touch screen.  So in my view you end up touching a screen that someone who is obviously germ ridden has input their information on to...seems a bit daft to me in a doctor's surgery, when germs can apparently thrive on surfaces for up to 48 hours.confused-face-smiley-emoticon.gif (102×130)  Oh dear...GOW (grumpy old woman) syndrome rearing its ugly head again.

I had my flu injection whilst I was there because I get it free with having arm is now aching, but I suppose it's worth it.

I then went straight to my daughters and she ended up persuading me to go into York with her..AGAIN.  It has been a very blustery day here and very cold.  Little Noah was all warm and snuggly in his pushchair.  We had lunch at ASK and then called in the Designer Outlet on the way home...I am now home again and resting my tired old feet.tired-tired-weary-exhausted-smiley-emoticon-000749-large-gif.14250 (96×129)

The amount of water on the surrounding fields on the way in to York is really bad...I just hope it doesn't rain too badly for a while to enable some of it to drain away.

Sunday 27 January 2013

The green green grass and a chilling Sunday

It absolutely persisted it down last night...but whoopeeeeeee the snow has complete disappeared and everything looks green again.  I just feel so sorry for the poor folks who have flooding because of the quick thaw and all the rain...I just hope we have a long stretch of dry weather to enable the ground to dry out a bit.

It's so terrible about the deaths of so many people in the nightclub in Brazil, so very sad for the loss of so many young lives.

I had a bit of a lie in this morning and have just had a lovely peaceful day listening to music, reading and doing a bit more de-cluttering.  I have put out the bins, eaten some of the Hotel Chocolat chocolates my daughter bought me yesterday and that's about it really.  As much as I am so grateful for the chocolates though, I just can't resist them and won't be able to rest until they are all gone...I have made my daughter promise that she will not buy me any more now until at least Christmas.  It is confirmed "I am greedy".

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I am just about to go and have a root through the the fridge to see what I want for dinner and then it's pj time and catch-up on stuff I have recorded on tv.  I have a new candle that I am about to light smells glorious already and it isn't even lit yet.

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I love days like this, when you can just please yourself and nobody else.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Grandma's on babysitting duties today.....

Well, the snow really did come down with a vengeance last night here in Yorkshire...great big fat snowflakes.      Plus, because it was quite windy the snow drifted quite a bit and even though the council gritter had been up and down the main road a couple of times the snow soon least it made the traffic slow down a bit.

I woke up this morning to beautiful blue skies though, and the snow was already starting to thaw...rain is supposedly on its way too, so hopefully that will get rid of the snow...however, I do worry about flooding as the land is so saturated and the water has nowhere to go.

I showered and got dressed early as I had said that I would babysit for little Noah daughter and her OH were going into town to look at a Nexus tablet for her.  They arrived at 11.30 am and collected him at around 3.00 pm...he was a little angel and full of smiles, but he certainly didn't want to go to sleep even though you could tell he was whacked...hopefully he will sleep well tonight.  My daughter did buy a Nexus, and is looking forward to playing with it later once Noah is asleep.

I was debating having a chinese takeaway this evening, but I can't be bothered to get the snow off the top of my car, I am being lazy and just waiting for the rain to wash it off for me.

So what shall I have instead  scratch-head02-idea-animated-animation-smiley-emoticon-000415-large.gif (103×105)

Ooooooh and my daughter bought me a box of Hotel Chocolat chocolates today...yum yum.

Friday 25 January 2013

Power Cuts......

I've just had a pottering about type of day today...ironing etc.  I have finally managed to get the bed and quilt dry from when the hot water bottle burst last weekend whilst my friend was here, and now the bed is all freshly made up again with clean sheets.

I've wasted a lot of time on-line too today...sometimes I just wish I had never heard of the internet, it just drains away my time when I could be doing something more productive.  I put my hands up, "I am addicted".

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We have also had a power cut this afternoon for a couple of hours, so actually that curbed my internet browsing for a while.  Of course, the heating went off so I was sitting here with a fur throw over my legs...fortunately it came back on again before it got dark otherwise I would have had candles everywhere.  I just hope it doesn't go off again tonight.

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Well more snow is on its way tonight...booooooo.  The upside is it is getting milder over the weekend and it will all thaw again.

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I think I had better go and find myself something to eat now just in case the power goes off again.

Toodle Pip

Thursday 24 January 2013

Well, I am truly shopped out.....

I usually go shopping on one morning of the week into York...I set off at around 8.45 am and am back by lunchtime  I thought I would go today,  however, my daughter rang this morning to say that she wasn't going to toddler group as there was a sickness bug going round and could she come shopping with we set off at 9.30 am and I arrived back home at 4.30 pm...phew.  My daughter could shop for a living, and I hate shopping.  I know exactly what I am going for and that is it...all this window shopping malarkey gets on my nerves.  We have been in nearly every shop in York (probably), and then we went to Sainsbury's Cafe for some bits and bobs and had lunch there.  It was awful.  Fish covered in a batter that resembled doughnut batter...yuk, and the cutlery was filthy too, goodness knows why they can't make sure it is clean.  I have forgotten most things I went for and forgot to get some cash out from the cashpoint...oh well.

One good thing, was that little Noah behaved impeccably well throughout the whole day and has been a joy.

I love my daughter very much, but I don't love shopping with her....argghhhhhhhhhh.  Now my son's type of shopping suits me down to the ground, he knows what he wants, gets it and then comes home messing around.

I shall get my pj's on soon and settle down with my feet up, and what is more I shall pour myself a large gin and tonic.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Give me my specs back.....

Well, the forecasters got it wrong AGAIN...I don't really know why I bother listening to the weather forecasts.  It was supposedly going to be very frosty last night, but I awoke to the snow on the roof thawing and drip dripping on to the patio...ah well.

My daughter has been for lunch with little Noah, and he has been chuckling away merrily...unfortunately he is going for his second lot of injections this afternoon at 3.00 pm, so he might not be chuckling away then.

I went up to the little shop in the next village to me this morning, and one of the staff in there was absolutely full of cold and was sniffling away...the thing is she was busy stacking the fridge with foodstuffs etc, and whilst the food is wrapped, I really don't think she should have been working today in that state passing her germs around.  The shop is only small and is quite busy, so everyone is in close contact with one another...grrrrrrrr, it just makes me angry as a lot of old folk use the shop too.  Rant over.

Here's a picture my daughter took of Noah wearing my specs.......

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Just going to make a chilli now, I shall have some for dinner, give some to my daughter and freeze some for another day.

P.S. My daughter has just rung to say that Noah had an injection in each thigh, and didn't cry brave little soldier.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Hair day.....

I got up this morning and the sky was blue and the sun was shining...hooray.  After a coffee I went outside to clear the paths of snow and to clear the snow from my car as I needed to get out of the drive later to go to the hairdressers.  I put salt down afterwards to try and keep the paths frost free...apparently it is going to be very very cold and frosty here tonight.

I had my shower after clearing all the snow and put a chicken breast in the oven to make myself chicken sandwiches for lunch...very tasty it was too.

The roads into town are totally snow free, but when I got to the car park in front of the hairdresser's where I usually park, it was full and I had to park in another car park which was still covered in snow and ice...I had a very treacherous walk in my stupid boots which don't really have much grip...why I put them on I'll never know (stupid me).

I feel much better now my hair is once more looking half decent...I had made an attempt to cut my fringe myself with the kitchen scissors a couple of weeks ago, and Dan, my hairdresser said that I had made a reasonable job of it (I think he was just being polite).

On the way home I called to see my daughter and little Noah...he was giggling like mad at me, he finds me hilarious for some reason.  My daughter said she felt really tired because Noah wakes quite a lot during the night and only really settles well when she takes him into bed with her.  She had tried several times to get him to settle in his cot but he was having none of unfortunately he ended up in bed with her, and whilst he sleeps really well she doesn't.  I had a coffee and a little play with him and then came home.

Just had a lazy pizza for tea.

Monday 21 January 2013

Snowed in and cosy......

Well to be honest, I'm not that badly snowed in...if I had wanted to I could have gone outside today and cleared the snow off my car (AGAIN), and cleared some paths, but I have much preferred to be all nice and warm and cosy in the house...however, tomorrow is a different matter as I have a hair appointment at 1.00 pm and I will have to go out in the morning to shift some snow.

I have been quite productive though, I have done some more de-cluttering of two more drawers and done a lot of shredding.  I have paid some bills on-line and sorted out my address book.

I have woken up this morning with a humungous zit on my chin...surely at my time of life the zits should be leaving me well and truly alone.

I had some Super Greens soup for lunch with a bagel...the soup is the Covent Garden Soup, and it was delicious, it had some very healthy green vegetables in it.  I spoilt my healthy eating this afternoon by eating 4 McVitie's Hobnobs...oh well.

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I have just spent half an hour having a chat on the phone to my daughter, she is making a quilt from some of Noah's old vests.  She sent me a pic of it and it looks really good.

The picture seems to have disappeared and I can't find it now.

This snowing lark is supposedly coming to a close by the weekend...phew.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Sunday, a day of leisure.....

Well after the carry on last night with the hot water bottle bursting in my friend's bed, she didn't surface until 10.30 am.  I was up about 9.00 am, but tiptoed about so I wouldn't wake her up.  I put on my coffee machine and forgot to put the lid down when I set it to once more I was busy mopping up water.  It was dripping all over the worktop down the fridge door and all over the floor...I should really stop trying to multi-task and stick to doing one job at a time.

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We had toast and marmalade for breakfast and then got showered and dressed.  I checked my e mails and found that my daughter had sent me a picture of little Noah in his Superman outfit that my friend bought him he is:-

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For lunch we had a cream cheese and smoked salmon bagel with some olives and stuffed tomatoes on the side...delicious.

My friend left at around 1.45 pm for her long journey back home...she needed to pick up her daughter on the way.  She has since texted me and is now safely back home again.

I have just done some shredding of old receipts and given myself a facial...oooooh get me.

My son rang to say he was just going out with his friends sledging, and looking at the weather forecast it looks like some more snow is heading my way tonight and tomorrow.

I shall put my pj's on early tonight and watch Stella on Sky which I recorded on Friday night...I love it.

This is really Saturday's Blog.....

I am typing this at 12.11 am in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Me, my friend, my daughter and Noah have been shopping in York today...the roads were pretty clear and we haven't had any more snow.  We had lunch at Pizza Hut and browsed around the shops.  My daughter bought a new coat in the sale at Monsoon and some jeans.  I bought a new mascara.  My friend bought a new dress and little Noah was treated to a Superman sleepsuit, which I am sure will look adorable on him.  We then called at Asda and came home.

My daughter dropped us back at home as she was driving, and I prepared chicken kiev, jacket potato and salad for me and my friend for dinner with a couple of glasses of wine.

We then settled down and watched Bridesmaids (the film), I had seen it before but friend hadn't and she really enjoyed it.

My friend went up to bed at 11.30 pm and I filled her a hot water bottle to take to bed with her...suddenly I got a shout from upstairs from my friend to say that the hot water bottle had burst (she wasn't in bed thankfully), and it was all over the bed.  I rushed upstairs and we managed to mop most of the water up with will take ages for the quilt to dry, but my friend is now settled down comfortably in a hastily made up bed in my son's room (thank goodness he is away at uni).  I am so thankful that my friend hadn't got into bed before the bottle leaked, she could have been badly burnt.  The hot water bottle was quite old and had obviously become frail and is now in the dusbtin.

Night Night xxxxxx

Friday 18 January 2013

Well my friend managed to get here......

I got up early this morning and put a colour on my hair and then got showered and dressed before popping up to the shop for potatoes, pasta and bread just in case we got snowed in.

My friend arrived at around 1.00 pm and we had a good old chinwag and a coffee.  I took her to my daughter's later to see little Noah (she is my daughter's God Mother), she hasn't seen Noah since he was about a month old and couldn't believe how much he had grown.  We have known each other now for over 30 years, we met at work and she was my Chief Bridesmaid when I got married.

It started to snow so we came home before it started to settle.  Usually when she comes for the weekend we   go out for a meal on the Friday evening, but due to the weather we decided to stay in instead.  We had pasta with the sauce I made yesterday and it was really very nice,and to finish off with we had a Sainsburys Raspberry Brulee Cheesecake, which neither of us liked that much...far too sickly sweet.

We then sat and chatted over a couple of glasses of rose wine.  She has gone to bed now as she hardly slept last night and was really tired.

The snow hasn't really been that bad here today, the worst of it being in Wales and the South West...however, my car is covered again.

Not sure what we will do or where we will go tomorrow...depends on the weather.  We would really like to go to the cinema to watch Les Miserables, so we shall have to see what tomorrow brings.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Well I have been a busy bee today......

Awoke this morning to wall to wall sunshine...the forecast was for fog, so they got that wrong.

I had my Sainsburys delivery this morning, but the poor bloke had to ring me as he got lost...I'm not the world's best directions giver, but I managed to get him here eventually.

After lunch I made a pasta sauce (my own recipe), so that I could let it cool and put it in the fridge ready for my friend coming tomorrow...she says she is determined to get here no matter what the weather throws at her.  I haven't seen her since well before Christmas, and she has lots to tell me, I am so looking forward to seeing her and having a good old gossip.

I have also thoroughly cleaned my en-suite bathroom, and it looks all spick and span again....phew.

I ventured outside this morning and took a few pictures of the garden, here they are.......

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Oooooooooh it's very foggy out there......

Well, I woke up at 8.00 am, and because it felt cold I thought I would just have another 10 minutes tucked up in bed...I was awoken by the telephone ringing, and realised I had slept another one hour and ten minutes (how did that happen).

When I eventually got out of bed I peeped out of the curtains to see fog and frost and the most exquisite white frosty cobwebs veiled over the patio table and looked surreal and really quite beautiful.  Even though the heating had come on it still felt chilly.  After my coffee and shower I decided to venture out and clear the snow from the top of my car....brrrrrrrrrrrr, is all I can say.

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I was going to go to Sainsbury's tomorrow for some nice things for when my friend comes to stay on Friday, but decided that I would do an on-line shop instead as it is going to be foggy again the shopping is coming tomorrow morning  (I had better not sleep in again).

  My friend might not actually get here as more snow is forecast for Friday, so we shall have to see whether she can make it.

My daughter was supposed to take Noah for his second lot of injections, but he has a cold and a cough so she had to cancel...I was going to go and see her this afternoon, but honestly the fog has never lifted all day.

I have been sort of productive today, in that I have cleaned out a load of paperwork from one of the drawers in the dresser.

It's Wine Wednesday, so I may have a glass of something later on.

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Couldn't decide what I wanted to eat tonight, and suddenly a bacon sarnie came into my that is what I have had, oh yum.

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Tuesday 15 January 2013

Was going out, but decided to stay in.......

Well due to the blimmin weather...snow again this morning for a while, I was supposedly going to my appointment at the Asthma Clinic up at my doctor's surgery, but I decided that I wasn't going anywhere on a day like this so I cancelled and made another appointment instead.  I only have very very mild asthma, and it is mostly controlled by an inhaler.  I am hardly ever ill, and cannot remember the last time I actually went to see my doctor about anything it does actually make me quite cross that I have to turn up at these Asthma Clinics when I don't really need to.  Surely, the Asthma Nurse can see by my records that I haven't been to the surgery for yonks, and that if I was actually suffering with my asthma I would be making an appointment.  She does nothing constructive when I actually get there other than ask me the same questions about the management of my asthma and then asks me to show her exactly how I use the think I would have got the idea of using it by now wouldn't you, after all it's been nearly 30 years.  They are always sending letters to tell you to make an appointment...I get repeat prescriptions for my inhalers which are sent automatically to the chemist nearby.

Apparently, the surgery gets money funded to them if they can get people to go to these clinics, so that's why they are keen for folks to go.  Another bug bear is the fact that they are ALWAYS running behind schedule, and I have been known to have been sitting in the waiting room for nearly an that is bad, but I don't work so I don't need to get time off to go; what about people who do actually work and have to be back at work or leave early for one of these appointments and then are kept endlessly waiting.

There another rant over and done with...I'm definitely a GOW (grumpy old woman) these days.

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Well my day at home has not been wasted, and because my friend is coming to stay for the weekend on Friday when she finishes work, I have cleaned, dusted and hoovered the spare bedroom, cleaned the bathroom thoroughly and washed the floor and cleaned the downstairs loo and washed down the paintwork and floor....phew.

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I stopped briefly for some chicken soup at lunchtime, and then did some more jobs.

I am just about to make a pasta rigatoni now for later, and I will make extra so that I can take some along for my daughter and her OH to have too.

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Monday 14 January 2013

Snow snow go away.......

I know I sound like an old grump, but I really really hate the snow...ok it looks pretty for a short length of time, but then it turns to dirty slush, or even worse extremely horrid ice that takes ages to melt.  I also feel sorry for those that have to drive or commute to work in the bloomin stuff.  Last year my daughter fell flat on her back in the snow and was in so much pain for ages afterwards...the ambulance was also involved because she passed out and couldn't get back up she was in so much discomfort.  I feel sorry for the elderly who have to remain housebound until it has all disappeared again.    There RANT OVER.

So please snow go away...enough already.

I knew the snow was on its way around lunchtime, so I made sure I was up and out early to post a birthday card and to also deliver another birthday card and a pressie to a friend a couple of villages away from me.  I then called at the little village shop for bread and eggs and came home for lunch.  True to the weather forecaster's word, the damned stuff started falling quite heavily with huge flakes and it soon started to settle.  I have been out and put salt down on the paths to keep them clear as I need to go out tomorrow morning.

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Sunday 13 January 2013

Cake and champagne.....

I had a lie in this morning until 9.30 am....lovely.

I decided to clear out the desk as all the clutter was getting on my nerves.  I chucked out anything that hadn't  been used for at least a year...and the drawers are now nearly empty.  Any betting that I will have thrown away something important...oh well.  I am going to hit the bookcase tomorrow and get rid of quite a few books that I have no use for any longer...I will of course take them to the charity shop.  I daren't count how many cookery books I actually have, although I know I have far too many.

This afternoon I went to my daughters and enjoyed some of that scrummy cake I put on yesterday's post, along with a glass of champers.  My daughter's future Mother in Law and Sister in Law also came along and we have had a lovely natter and a good laugh.  Little Noah has been really good and practically slept the whole afternoon, which probably means he won't sleep well tonight.

It is bitterly cold here today and apparently snow is on its way during tonight and tomorrow.  We had a few flakes last night but it didn't settle.  I really really hope the snow isn't going to linger around for ages as it is such a looks good on Christmas cards but that is about all, plus it causes such chaos in this country it is unbelievable.

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Right, I think I might be lazy and just pop a pizza in the oven tonight.

Saturday 12 January 2013

A nice long walk......

We've had a lovely sunny day here in Yorkshire...very very cold though, but I don't mind the cold.

I went to my daughter's for lunch today, and then I took Noah out for long walk in his pushchair whilst his Mummy vacuumed (he hates the vacuum cleaner and always cries)...we were gone for over an hour and it was really pleasant just strolling along with no planned route.  I just wish that people wouldn't park their cars on the pavement so that you have to cross over the road to get past them...I'm sure they just don't consider that people with pushchairs sometimes need to get by....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I was laughing to myself at some of the ridiculous names that people call their houses...what ever floats your boat I suppose.

My daughter has had a giant cupcake made for her OH, it was actually his birthday on Thursday, but we are having a little get together tomorrow afternoon with champagne and nibbles...his Mum and Sister are coming along, but because his Mum and Dad have now split up his Dad isn't coming...he moved out today into a flat.  It's been on the cards for some time now though, so I suppose it was expected is sad though.

Here's a picture of the cupcake...I can't wait to have a piece tomorrow (YUM).

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I'm just debating whether or not to treat myself to a chinese takeaway tonight...I am going to watch the Christmas edition of Downton Abbey which I have on record...although I do know how it ends because my friend let it slip out.

I watched Stella last night on Sky with Ruth Jones, I loved the last series, and this new series looks to be just as good.

Friday 11 January 2013

A boring Friday......

When I say boring, I don't mean I have been sitting on my backside all day, but have finally got to the bottom of my ironing basket once son has gone back to uni I have caught up on all the bedding, towels and a pile of his clothes that were just casually hanging over a chair in his bedroom.

I spent a while speaking on the phone to my daughter who was a bit worried because she had turned the tap on this morning and the water was very brown and smelt earthy.  She was concerned because she obviously uses the water to make up Noah's bottles...I told her to ring the water board and ask them if they knew anything about it, and to ask them whether or not it was safe to drink.  She rang me back when she had spoken to them and said that they said it would be ok, but someone would be round within the hour to drop off some bottled water for her to use (very efficient of them).  She said they told her to leave the tap running for a while, which she did, and the water was a lot clearer.

I then went up to my local Post Office to pick up a package that had been sent to the wrong Post Office several miles away by Parcel Force...Parcel Force had picked it up and taken it to the correct Post Office for me because I rang and complained.  However, I still had to pay a quid before they would hand over my parcel for the privilege of them making the mistake in the first place...such is life.smiley-dazed_confused1.png (70×70)

I have tidied up some clutter in my bedroom and done my on-line banking stuff.  So all in all quite a productive but boring sort of day.yawn smiley.jpg (61×68)

Just watching Carol Klein now on BBC2 in her beautiful garden down in jealous.

Thursday 10 January 2013

On Grandma duties...again.

It's my daughter's OH's birthday today, and so I volunteered my services to babysit Noah so that they could go out for lunch and then watch a film.  He arrived at 11.00 am this morning and went home at 5.30 pm.  He has been so well behaved today and hasn't cried once...apparently he didn't sleep very well again last night and my daughter expected him to be grumpy today.  I fed him just before 12 and he slept solidly for 3 whole hours...I was getting a bit bored by this time and just wanted him to wake up.  When he eventually did wake up I fed him again and changed his nappy and then we played with his toys.

I just hope he sleeps well tonight for my daughter as she is really tired.  She says they are taking him swimming tomorrow...he loves having a bath, but I'm not sure how he will take to a large swimming pool.

My daughter saw The Life of Pi at the cinema and she said it was absolutely fabulous, she loved it...however,  her OH wasn't so keen and fell asleep.  I think he wanted to watch The Saw (a horror film), but it wasn't showing until the evening....ah well.

I think I deserve a a nice glass of wine this evening after my childcare stint, although I loved every minute.

Just off to find something for dinner now.

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Wednesday 9 January 2013

Sunshine and shopping......

two of my favourite things.

What a beautiful day, blue sky, sunshine and a sprinkling of frost...I love days like these.  I can put up with the cold, it's the rain and fog I don't like.

I've been shopping into York this morning, and I have treated myself to some new trousers, a top and some nice thick woolley tights.  Oh, and with my Boots points, I managed to treat myself to some nice body lotion...Chanel no less.

I had a quick glance around some of the sales stuff that is left over, but it is all tat that is left now.

On the way home I called into Sainsburys for some bits and pieces as my cupboards are almost bare.

I was annoyed when I got back home, as Parcel Force had tried to deliver a package that needed signing for,  they put a card through the letterbox to inform me that they had taken it to a Post Office that is about 6 miles away from where I live (why they didn't leave it at the Post Office 5 minutes up the road from me is baffling).  I rang the number on the card and was informed that that was the Post Office they deliver to for my post code *extremely baffled*.  However, the very nice lady on the phone said she would get a driver to pick it up tomorrow for me and deliver it to the Post Office near me...I wouldn't mind, but it is only some blimmin eye make-up remover that I sent for in a's hardly the Crown Jewels.

My daughter, her OH and baby Noah have gone off to the seaside for the day (Bridlington)...I bet it is very bracing on the seafront there.  She sent me a photo of Noah this morning all ready for the off.......

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At least he looks warm and cosy.  Sorry the picture is so big.

Wow, there is the most beautiful sunset now...gorgeous.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

At last I can show my feet again.....

I have just got back from my local Spa where I have just had an eyebrow wax and lovely pedicure.  I usually go about every 6 weeks ish...and boy did they need some pampering this time around.  I am now proud to get my feet out once more without hiding them in thick tights.  I have gone for a lovely gold shade with sparkly bits's OPI which I love.

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It's been one of those dark damp days again when it hardly seems to be daylight, along with more drizzle.

My daughter rang me first thing this morning to say that her OH's Mum and Dad have decided to split up...very sad indeed, but I think it was on the cards.

Little Noah had a really bad night and hardly slept at all, he was crying and grizzling for most of the daughter says she is absolutely knackeroonied...her OH is off work this week so it is his turn to be up tonight with him if he is the same.

Right, I have a chicken in the oven so I had better go and check it's ok.

Monday 7 January 2013

Babysitting duties......

I've been on babysitting duties today, my daughter was going to pick up her new car (well new to her), and as her OH is having this week off work she decided it would be a good time to let him help her take some rubbish to the tip, take some stuff to the charity shop and call at the bank...they also managed to have a browse around some new houses that are being built in the area.  I got to their house at about 10.30 am, and  little Noah was fast asleep (he had not had a very good night's sleep apparently), and when he woke up he was a right little grotbags...he didn't want playing with, he didn't want feeding and he didn't want picking up...I tried reading to him and showing him the pictures in the books, but he was having none of it, so I just changed his nappy and he went back to sleep again....phew.  Grandparenting is lovely, you can just hand them back again when they get grumpy.  baby-crying-th.png (100×92)

The weather today has been very damp and dull with drizzle thrown in...not a pleasant day at all, I had to put the lights on early because it was so dark.

I ordered some candles in the on-line sales a few days ago, some nice smelly ones...when I got back from my daughter's house there was a note to say they had been left on the back step, it was a good job they were wrapped up in plastic otherwise they would have been very wet indeed, plus, how did they know I wasn't on holiday or something, they could have been there for ages or else stolen.  I suppose as long as they offload them they don't care what happens to them.

Just deciding what to have for dinner now...I was going to start on a healthy eating campaign now my son has gone back to uni, but I fancy scampi and chips...oh well.

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Sunday 6 January 2013

Well, son is now back at uni again....

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Oh how I miss him when he's not here...he's nearly 22 now and we get on so well together.  He will be home again in 10 weeks ready for Easter.

The two and half hour journey this morning was a bit grim...quite a bit of fog on the motorway.  I helped him unpack his stuff and then we went to the Pizza Hut for lunch.

The drive back was much better, and the fog was completely gone.  I have just put on a load of washing and  am now about to have a lovely cup of tea and then it's pj time and a catch up on stuff I have on record.

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Saturday 5 January 2013

All packed up again.....

Well, my son has got all his stuff packed up again ready for an early start tomorrow back to has been sooooooo lovely having him home for Christmas, but he has exams looming and he has stuff to hand in on Monday.  The house is looking a bit like a bomb site at the moment, with bags of shopping, clothes, shoes, books and numerous electrical appliances scattered about the place.  I have also done yet more ironing, although my son doesn't actually iron anything when he's back at uni...he just washes it, dries it and then hangs it up to let the creases drop out...I should try it sometime.

The sun has done a disappearing act today again, but at least it is dry.

I have been with my son to see my daughter so that he can say goodbye to her and Noah...he won't be back home again now until Easter, and Noah will have changed so much by then I'm sure.  I will keep him up to date with photos and little videos of his progress to keep him in he loop.

It's my daughter's OH's (other half's) birthday next Thursday, and she is going to put on a surprise party for him on Sunday...she has contacted friends and family secretly to let them know what time to arrive.  I am helping with the buffet stuff etc.  It should be fun, so lets just hope Noah isn't too crabby and has had plenty of sleep because people tend to keep wanting to pick him up and pass him around like a daughter said she would tell people not to do it too much because he gets over-stimulated and then gets really upset...however, this is sometimes a bit difficult because people just think she is being overly fussy.

Oooh and for lunch I had a childhood favourite...a fishfinger sandwich, yum.  I haven't had one for ages and it went down a treat.............

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Friday 4 January 2013

Well what a mild day....

What a lovely day it has been today, and what on earth is that bright yellow thing that appeared in the sky...welcome back Mr Sunshine, I have missed you.

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I went to pick up my daughter and grandson this daughter is without a car at the moment and needed to collect some clothes she had ordered for Noah.  She does make me laugh though, as she saves coupons (I call her the Coupon Queen), and she got loads of money knocked off nappies and washing fact I have now got enough washing tablets to last me all year...probably.

She came back to my house later for a bite to eat and then we had a wander round the nearby market was so lovely and Springlike...of course Noah slept for most of the time in his pushchair, but still got his quota of good fresh air.

We then popped into the supermarket so I could get some bread...we noticed that the "Parent and Baby" spaces were taken up with people too lazy to really makes me angry.  To try and park in an ordinary space is very difficult with a pushchair and a baby as you need space at the side of the car to open the door wide enough to get baby out and this is impossible in a normal car parking space.  I honestly despair that people can be that lazy.  Whilst we were there a flashy sports car turned up and parked in the "Parent and Child" space...obviously not a baby or child in sight, and a bloke got out and just casually walked into the supermarket without so much as a daughter was going to confront him, but I stopped her.  To be honest, some people can turn very nasty and I just couldn't be bothered with the hassle.

Rant over for today.

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Thursday 3 January 2013

There, that's Christmas over and done with then....

All the Christmas trees are now finally down and tucked away again until next year...all the other Christmas stuff is now packed away...and it looks so BORING now.  I usually go out and buy lots and lots of bunches of daffs when they hit the shops to cheer things up a bit and bring a touch of Spring to the house, but I wonder if all this rain we have had will affect the daffodil crops this year.

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It's been very mild here today and it has been lovely not having the heating on for once...I am dreading the gas bill arriving.

I knew my daughter was getting too excited about little Noah sleeping better, he woke up about 4 times last night, and in the end she put him in bed with her...which is a mistake I know, but when you are absolutely knackeroonied, it is sometimes the only option.

I have just had a lovely cup of Earl Grey and am now contemplating what we are going to eat for will have to be something fairly easy and quick because I have a Tesco shop arriving between 6 and 8 pm...most of the shopping is for son to take back to uni with him this weekend.

Actually, decision now made...we're ordering a chinese takeaway after the Tesco delivery's been....YUM.