Thursday 17 January 2013

Well I have been a busy bee today......

Awoke this morning to wall to wall sunshine...the forecast was for fog, so they got that wrong.

I had my Sainsburys delivery this morning, but the poor bloke had to ring me as he got lost...I'm not the world's best directions giver, but I managed to get him here eventually.

After lunch I made a pasta sauce (my own recipe), so that I could let it cool and put it in the fridge ready for my friend coming tomorrow...she says she is determined to get here no matter what the weather throws at her.  I haven't seen her since well before Christmas, and she has lots to tell me, I am so looking forward to seeing her and having a good old gossip.

I have also thoroughly cleaned my en-suite bathroom, and it looks all spick and span again....phew.

I ventured outside this morning and took a few pictures of the garden, here they are.......

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