Sunday 20 January 2013

This is really Saturday's Blog.....

I am typing this at 12.11 am in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Me, my friend, my daughter and Noah have been shopping in York today...the roads were pretty clear and we haven't had any more snow.  We had lunch at Pizza Hut and browsed around the shops.  My daughter bought a new coat in the sale at Monsoon and some jeans.  I bought a new mascara.  My friend bought a new dress and little Noah was treated to a Superman sleepsuit, which I am sure will look adorable on him.  We then called at Asda and came home.

My daughter dropped us back at home as she was driving, and I prepared chicken kiev, jacket potato and salad for me and my friend for dinner with a couple of glasses of wine.

We then settled down and watched Bridesmaids (the film), I had seen it before but friend hadn't and she really enjoyed it.

My friend went up to bed at 11.30 pm and I filled her a hot water bottle to take to bed with her...suddenly I got a shout from upstairs from my friend to say that the hot water bottle had burst (she wasn't in bed thankfully), and it was all over the bed.  I rushed upstairs and we managed to mop most of the water up with will take ages for the quilt to dry, but my friend is now settled down comfortably in a hastily made up bed in my son's room (thank goodness he is away at uni).  I am so thankful that my friend hadn't got into bed before the bottle leaked, she could have been badly burnt.  The hot water bottle was quite old and had obviously become frail and is now in the dusbtin.

Night Night xxxxxx

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