Friday 25 January 2013

Power Cuts......

I've just had a pottering about type of day today...ironing etc.  I have finally managed to get the bed and quilt dry from when the hot water bottle burst last weekend whilst my friend was here, and now the bed is all freshly made up again with clean sheets.

I've wasted a lot of time on-line too today...sometimes I just wish I had never heard of the internet, it just drains away my time when I could be doing something more productive.  I put my hands up, "I am addicted".

Computer+addict.bmp (291×153)

We have also had a power cut this afternoon for a couple of hours, so actually that curbed my internet browsing for a while.  Of course, the heating went off so I was sitting here with a fur throw over my legs...fortunately it came back on again before it got dark otherwise I would have had candles everywhere.  I just hope it doesn't go off again tonight.

candles.jpg (258×270)

Well more snow is on its way tonight...booooooo.  The upside is it is getting milder over the weekend and it will all thaw again.

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I think I had better go and find myself something to eat now just in case the power goes off again.

Toodle Pip

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