Tuesday 8 January 2013

At last I can show my feet again.....

I have just got back from my local Spa where I have just had an eyebrow wax and lovely pedicure.  I usually go about every 6 weeks ish...and boy did they need some pampering this time around.  I am now proud to get my feet out once more without hiding them in thick tights.  I have gone for a lovely gold shade with sparkly bits in...it's OPI which I love.

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It's been one of those dark damp days again when it hardly seems to be daylight, along with more drizzle.

My daughter rang me first thing this morning to say that her OH's Mum and Dad have decided to split up...very sad indeed, but I think it was on the cards.

Little Noah had a really bad night and hardly slept at all, he was crying and grizzling for most of the night...my daughter says she is absolutely knackeroonied...her OH is off work this week so it is his turn to be up tonight with him if he is the same.

Right, I have a chicken in the oven so I had better go and check it's ok.

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