Thursday 10 January 2013

On Grandma duties...again.

It's my daughter's OH's birthday today, and so I volunteered my services to babysit Noah so that they could go out for lunch and then watch a film.  He arrived at 11.00 am this morning and went home at 5.30 pm.  He has been so well behaved today and hasn't cried once...apparently he didn't sleep very well again last night and my daughter expected him to be grumpy today.  I fed him just before 12 and he slept solidly for 3 whole hours...I was getting a bit bored by this time and just wanted him to wake up.  When he eventually did wake up I fed him again and changed his nappy and then we played with his toys.

I just hope he sleeps well tonight for my daughter as she is really tired.  She says they are taking him swimming tomorrow...he loves having a bath, but I'm not sure how he will take to a large swimming pool.

My daughter saw The Life of Pi at the cinema and she said it was absolutely fabulous, she loved it...however,  her OH wasn't so keen and fell asleep.  I think he wanted to watch The Saw (a horror film), but it wasn't showing until the evening....ah well.

I think I deserve a a nice glass of wine this evening after my childcare stint, although I loved every minute.

Just off to find something for dinner now.

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