Sunday 10 February 2013

No snow as yet.....

and I hope it stays that is raining though, but I don't mind. animated-smileys-weather-012.gif (45×55)

Well last night on my babysitting duties, little Noah wasn't very good at staying asleep...he kept on waking up crying every half hour or so, and eventually I brought him downstairs and he slept in my arms until my daughter arrived home (it was on my daughter's orders that I should bring him downstairs if he wouldn't settle).  member-piwoslaw-albums-smileys-picture2658-whhaaaa-baby-cry-whhaaaa-smiley-emoticon-000822-large.gif (139×155)

She said their meal was very nice, but on the way home they were stopped by the Police as they had a headlight not daughter was driving and they also breathalysed her, fortunately she never drinks alcohol when she drives so everything was ok, however I think it slightly marred their evening out.  Her OH has gone to get a new light today.

I slept in this morning until 9.30 am (which is late for me), and apart from having 3 telephone conversations with various people, I haven't done much else.  Like I said earlier, it is raining here and has been for most of the day, so not a nice day to be out and about.

I am going to have an early night tonight as I still feel tired despite my lie in.

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