Saturday 9 February 2013

Charity shop again......

Well, all the books, dvd's and cd's have now been taken to the charity shop this afternoon...not the same charity shop I took the last stuff to...I refuse to take anything more to them for being so unhelpful.  So I can now get on with more de-cluttering.   At this rate my house will be empty.

It's been a lovely day here today, blue skies and sunshine...this has to change tomorrow apparently, although the weather forecasters seem a little unsure where the snow is going to actually fall as yet, and how much we are going to have.  I just hope it doesn't cause much disruption...I HATE THE SNOW.
winter_please_please_go_away.png (800×580)
I have also been to Argos and bought a high chair to keep here at my house for Noah as he is now eating proper baby will be much easier.  It needs assembling, so that will be a job for tomorrow.

I cleaned my car out too this afternoon, I vacuumed it and gave it a good dust inside.  It could do with going through the car wash too, but I will wait to see whether or not we get the snow or not yet, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

I am going to babysit Noah tonight, as my daughter and her OH are going out for a meal to celebrate his promotion at work...I shall take my kindle and a magazine to read as the tv tonight looks rubbish as usual.

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