Friday 15 February 2013

Housework, Noah and my new handbag......

Had a busy morning doing boring housework...needs must.  I was awaiting my new handbag being delivered, and because I had no idea what time it would get here I daren't get in the shower, so I pottered about doing bits and pieces of this, that and t'other...when I eventually went on-line, I realised that they had sent me an  E Mail giving me the delivery time (between 2.35 and 3.35 pm), how good is that.  I was very impressed.  So I could then enjoy a nice relaxing shower without worrying that they would take my much looked forward to bag away again.thumbsup-thumbs-up-approve-ok-smiley-emoticon-000283-facebook.gif (110×110)

After lunch my daughter arrived with little Noah, who was as adorable as ever...he is sooooooo cheerful.bebe7.gif (88×88)

My handbag arrived at the designated time, and I love it...the smell of the leather is gorgeous and I am so looking forward to giving it its first outing.

I have just eaten dinner and am now about to put on my pj's and watch some recorded stuff...a glass of sparkling wine will be joining me.7_4_33.gif (83×83)

In other news, the close encounter with the asteroid seems to have left us unscathed as it came so very close to the earth at 7.25 pm...I watched it live on-line.....PHEW.scared-and-sweating-smiley-emoticon.gif (113×88)

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