Wednesday 6 February 2013

More de-cluttering.....

I've been busy de-cluttering again today...I have got rid of loads of books, dvd's and shoes.  I packed them all up and took them into town to the charity shop.

Now here's me going into Grumpy Old Woman mode again...the staff in the particular charity shop were absolutely useless, unhelpful and unfriendly...I struggled into the shop several times as I couldn't carry it all in one trip and not once did any of the staff offer to hold the door open for me, they just looked on as I struggled with the door by myself.  They didn't offer to take any of the stuff from me either, they just grunted and pointed to a door at the back of the shop where I was supposed to offload my wares.  The things I took weren't shoddy rubbish, but things that I had looked after carefully.  I am sure I could have got myself some money by selling them on Ebay or some other site.  So, I'm afraid that particular charity shop will NEVER receive any more of my things......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.   Honestly some people.

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I have also coloured my hair today...goodbye grey hairs.c0208.gif (48×34)

I have just eaten a very healthy tea...a large salad with a lemon and chilli chicken breast...very yummy indeed.

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