Saturday 16 February 2013

Ferret racing, sheep racing and a cooked breakfast....

Well I have just got in from a very enjoyable day out with my daughter and Noah, we went to Cannon Hall Farm (see link).  It has been a beautiful day here today, blue skies, sunshine and quite mild.  We arrived at around 11.30 am and as we were both hungry we had a full english breakfast...everything that was in the breakfast is produced from the livestock from the farm, and it was truly one of the best breakfasts I have ever tasted.  We then went for a nice stroll around the grounds and had a wander around the garden centre there to walk off all the calories we had eaten.

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They have a children's petting farm there too and we took Noah to see all the animals.  We watched the ferret racing (which was hilarious), and then went to see the sheep racing, you could put a bet on if you wanted was called The Sheepstakes (ha ha).  There were lots of new born lambs too, and we witnessed a little lamb just being born.  So all in all it was a really nice day, and I am sure that Noah will appreciate it much more when he is a little older, he was very good though and when I took him to see the cows his face was picture...he couldn't quite decide whether to laugh or cry.
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Since I have been home I have built up the new high chair I bought last weekend for Noah, and I think I will just put my feet up and relax a bit now...all the fresh air has made me sleepy.smiley-nap-sleep-couch.gif (63×49)

Friday 15 February 2013

Housework, Noah and my new handbag......

Had a busy morning doing boring housework...needs must.  I was awaiting my new handbag being delivered, and because I had no idea what time it would get here I daren't get in the shower, so I pottered about doing bits and pieces of this, that and t'other...when I eventually went on-line, I realised that they had sent me an  E Mail giving me the delivery time (between 2.35 and 3.35 pm), how good is that.  I was very impressed.  So I could then enjoy a nice relaxing shower without worrying that they would take my much looked forward to bag away again.thumbsup-thumbs-up-approve-ok-smiley-emoticon-000283-facebook.gif (110×110)

After lunch my daughter arrived with little Noah, who was as adorable as ever...he is sooooooo cheerful.bebe7.gif (88×88)

My handbag arrived at the designated time, and I love it...the smell of the leather is gorgeous and I am so looking forward to giving it its first outing.

I have just eaten dinner and am now about to put on my pj's and watch some recorded stuff...a glass of sparkling wine will be joining me.7_4_33.gif (83×83)

In other news, the close encounter with the asteroid seems to have left us unscathed as it came so very close to the earth at 7.25 pm...I watched it live on-line.....PHEW.scared-and-sweating-smiley-emoticon.gif (113×88)

Wednesday 13 February 2013

I knew it would snow again.....

after I had had my windows cleaned yesterday...typical.  It has been snowing quite heavily all afternoon here, but in the last half hour it has turned to rain.  I am glad the rain has arrived as I won't have to go out and clear the paths or my car (lazy me).  Tomorrow the temperatures are supposed to be on the rise...hooray.sunbathing.gif (94×76)

My daughter and her OH took little Noah to the swimming pool today, and it was supposed to be for babies and toddlers on Wednesdays (according to the internet), however, my daughter said the pool was absolutely freezing and really shallow...the only children that were enjoying it were the toddlers who could run around happily.  My daughter said that she thought it would be deep enough for her to get her shoulders under the water so she could play around bouncing Noah up and down...instead she just had to crouch down and dangle him in the water...of course he cried and hated it.  Her OH complained and said it wasn't what they had described on the internet and that it was useless for babies, and if they had wanted to sit in cold water they could have done it at home in the bath, they apologised and gave them a £15 token to be used when the pool is open for everyone, enabling Noah to go into the big pool which he wasn't allowed to do today.  So, it looks like it was a wasted journey.tenerife-forum-swimming-smiley.gif (79×28)

I have been really naughty today and ordered myself a bracelet and a new handbag on-line...I blame the snow for keeping me inside.Smiley.WhistlingGuiltyAni.gif (35×24)

Tuesday 12 February 2013

A day doing absolutely nothing.....

Well I had a rubbish night's took me ages to drop off.  I have absolutely no idea what time I eventually did go to sleep as I don't clock watch during the night otherwise it makes it I slept in until 9.00 am, and I could have actually stopped in bed longer but I made myself get up.yawn.gif (32×32)

I had a shower and washed my hair and then prepared a large beef casserole, and I have had a large bowl full for dinner...tomorrow I shall puree it and make a nice soup and then freeze it.

The window cleaners have been at windows were looking pretty yukky due to all the rain, snow and sleet we have had of late.  I can now see outside (39×30)

I have done nothing productive really today and I ended up napping for an hour this afternoon.  I popped up to the local shop to get my TV Times and some eggs...and that is the my day (BORING).smiley_bored.gif (43×43)

Just hope I sleep well tonight.