Sunday 30 December 2012

Yes, ironing pile has diminished.....

I got up this morning, showered and washed my hair and then before I decided that sitting down on the sofa and checking E Mails would be my best option, I got out the ironing board before I changed my mind...and I am pleased to confirm that I have now only got half a basket full of ironing left.

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After lunch I went into town to Tesco for some bits and pieces, it was very quiet indeed.  I also went to Argos to buy my son a new sleeping bag as he is out on New Year's Eve clubbing and staying over at a friends house...I'm certain we have a sleeping bag hiding somewhere, but I cannot find it anywhere, it will probably turn up now I have bought another one.  When I got home my son got the sleeping bag out to check it was ok, and it has taken us nearly half an hour to get the bloody thing back into its pack again...I was about to give up and put it in a bin liner instead, but we persevered....we did have a laugh though.

More rain here again today, although by mid afternoon it had brightened up a bit.

We are having stir-fry for dinner, so that is quick and easy.

Until tomorrow...........

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