Saturday 29 December 2012

More rain and babysitting......

Well the intentions of clearing my enormous ironing pile this morning fell by the wayside when my daughter rang to see if I would babysit for Noah whilst her and her OH (other half) went car shopping.  The car she has now is not really a family car (it's a convertible), and she has difficulty putting the baby seat in because it is only a 2 door car.  They had checked on-line and found two cars that they thought they would like to view...they can't really afford to spend much, so were looking for something cheap, reliable and with 4 doors.  The first car they went to view was at a small garage in a nearby village, and the garage owner couldn't find the car keys for them to look inside and to test daughter said it had had only one previous owner and was in good condition, so they are going to back to look at it when the keys turn up.  The second car was at a garage in York, but it was a bit basic inside and had more miles on the clock than they wanted.  So it looks like I will be babysitting again on Tuesday when her OH has a day off again.

They dropped Noah off at around 11.00 am, and he has been so well behaved...he has started chuckling now and it is so funny....oh he does love his Grandma.

Here's a pic of him in his new Christmas pj's.......

It has also rained again...ALL DAY.  I think Noah is an appropriate name for my grandson in this weather.

rain_cloud.gif (542×524)

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