Thursday 27 December 2012

Boxing Day.....(Yawn)

Well the day got off to a good start...that is apart from the damn rain again (so sick of it now).  Peace was however short lived due to son's laptop deciding not to play ball (wouldn't connect up wirelessly)...and so, after much sulking, banging about and generally being a pain in the arse, he eventually got it up and running again.  He goes back to uni again shortly, and so I was beginning to feel that a new laptop would have to be scrimped and scraped for...yippeeeeeeeeeeeee, that has saved me a bob or two.

I have been lazy today, in that I have mainly eaten the rest of some chocolates that I had left and literally just eaten crap (the diet starts in January).

I watched Miranda and thoroughly enjoyed it tonight (she creases me up).  I have had a gin and tonic and played on son's new quiz, I didn't realise that I knew so much trivia.

My daughter rang to say that she was annoyed with her Other Half for disappearing to his parents house to watch a football match (On Sky Sports which they don't have).

I have now tuned into Rocky, quite by accident, and find that I can't switch it over...goodness knows how many times I have already seen it....oh well........... (yawn).

Rocky.jpg (480×342)

Until tomorrow.

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