Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas day been and gone......

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Well,  that is Christmas over for another year...had a lovely day.  My daughter, her other half and my 11 week old Grandson came for the day.  Little Noah was mostly well behaved, however according to my daughter, he didn't sleep much last night so was tired, as was her other half who took over the night feeding duties.  After the pressie giving and receiving (I got some lovely things) we had a yummy Christmas dinner followed by coffee and a relax.  My son and my daughter's OH (other half), sat and played on their new i Pads.  They left at around 5.00 pm and I have just managed to shove a turkey sandwich and some pickled onions down...plus some liquorice allsorts.  My son consumed a pile of chips, sweetcorn and more turkey.

I am now well and truly stuffed and am about to put on my pj's and settle down to watch some tv...The Royle Family is on later, but I don't expect great things from it to be honest...I think it has lost all its sparkle now and they should have stopped making more whilst the going was good.

The decision to be made now is whether or not to have a gin, a Baileys, a Tia Maria or an Advocaat...mmmmm, maybe one of each (lol).

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