Sunday 30 December 2012

Yes, ironing pile has diminished.....

I got up this morning, showered and washed my hair and then before I decided that sitting down on the sofa and checking E Mails would be my best option, I got out the ironing board before I changed my mind...and I am pleased to confirm that I have now only got half a basket full of ironing left.

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After lunch I went into town to Tesco for some bits and pieces, it was very quiet indeed.  I also went to Argos to buy my son a new sleeping bag as he is out on New Year's Eve clubbing and staying over at a friends house...I'm certain we have a sleeping bag hiding somewhere, but I cannot find it anywhere, it will probably turn up now I have bought another one.  When I got home my son got the sleeping bag out to check it was ok, and it has taken us nearly half an hour to get the bloody thing back into its pack again...I was about to give up and put it in a bin liner instead, but we persevered....we did have a laugh though.

More rain here again today, although by mid afternoon it had brightened up a bit.

We are having stir-fry for dinner, so that is quick and easy.

Until tomorrow...........

Saturday 29 December 2012

More rain and babysitting......

Well the intentions of clearing my enormous ironing pile this morning fell by the wayside when my daughter rang to see if I would babysit for Noah whilst her and her OH (other half) went car shopping.  The car she has now is not really a family car (it's a convertible), and she has difficulty putting the baby seat in because it is only a 2 door car.  They had checked on-line and found two cars that they thought they would like to view...they can't really afford to spend much, so were looking for something cheap, reliable and with 4 doors.  The first car they went to view was at a small garage in a nearby village, and the garage owner couldn't find the car keys for them to look inside and to test daughter said it had had only one previous owner and was in good condition, so they are going to back to look at it when the keys turn up.  The second car was at a garage in York, but it was a bit basic inside and had more miles on the clock than they wanted.  So it looks like I will be babysitting again on Tuesday when her OH has a day off again.

They dropped Noah off at around 11.00 am, and he has been so well behaved...he has started chuckling now and it is so funny....oh he does love his Grandma.

Here's a pic of him in his new Christmas pj's.......

It has also rained again...ALL DAY.  I think Noah is an appropriate name for my grandson in this weather.

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Friday 28 December 2012

Venturing out to the sales......

Well, I finally attempted to go and have a peek at the sales.  Also, had to go to the jewellers to get our money back on a watch I bought for son's 21st broke after just 2 months of wearing (apparently the mechanism at totally gone).  We were given the opportunity of having it mended when we took it in 2 weeks ago, but decided that we didn't trust it anymore, even with a new mechanism, so said we wanted our money back.  The watch wasn't cheap either, it cost over £400, and the shop were quite reluctant to hand our money back but did so in the end.  My son has now bought another watch (different brand), so hopefully when he gets back to uni next week it will keep on working.

I live near York, so when we arrived at just gone 9.00 am it was lovely and quiet, but after about an hour it started getting really really busy...of course it was drizzling with a rain a bit too (whoopee).  I bought some half price Christmas cards and some dental floss (yes, I know how to shop the sales)...son got a shirt and a tee shirt which were really nice.  We then decided to call it a day and come home, and I am so glad we did because the roads into York on our way back were choc a bloc.

I went to see my daughter this afternoon and my little grandson Noah...he is 12 weeks old this weekend and is beginning to be such a little character...I love him to bits.

I am now sitting in my pj's watching World's Most Dangerous Roads with Hugh Bonneville and Jessica Hynes...OMG the roads are horrendous, rather them than me.

A Gin & Tonic has my name on it tonight I think.

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Thursday 27 December 2012

Rain Rain Go Away......

Well another showery day...apparently 2012 is to go down as one of the wettest years since records began.

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So, me and son decided to cheer ourselves up by going to Frankie & Bennies for lunch, and it was ever so quiet...folk are obviously skint or fed up of eating.  I should really have ironed as my ironing basket is looking very full indeed...aah well I may do it over the weekend.  I HATE ironing.

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My daughter has already taken down her Christmas decorations, including tree...she says it felt cluttered and untidy.  She doesn't take after me because I love the Christmas decorations, and always feel sad when the tree is down and everything is put away for another year.

Right, pj and Tia Maria time now.

Boxing Day.....(Yawn)

Well the day got off to a good start...that is apart from the damn rain again (so sick of it now).  Peace was however short lived due to son's laptop deciding not to play ball (wouldn't connect up wirelessly)...and so, after much sulking, banging about and generally being a pain in the arse, he eventually got it up and running again.  He goes back to uni again shortly, and so I was beginning to feel that a new laptop would have to be scrimped and scraped for...yippeeeeeeeeeeeee, that has saved me a bob or two.

I have been lazy today, in that I have mainly eaten the rest of some chocolates that I had left and literally just eaten crap (the diet starts in January).

I watched Miranda and thoroughly enjoyed it tonight (she creases me up).  I have had a gin and tonic and played on son's new quiz, I didn't realise that I knew so much trivia.

My daughter rang to say that she was annoyed with her Other Half for disappearing to his parents house to watch a football match (On Sky Sports which they don't have).

I have now tuned into Rocky, quite by accident, and find that I can't switch it over...goodness knows how many times I have already seen it....oh well........... (yawn).

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Until tomorrow.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas day been and gone......

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Well,  that is Christmas over for another year...had a lovely day.  My daughter, her other half and my 11 week old Grandson came for the day.  Little Noah was mostly well behaved, however according to my daughter, he didn't sleep much last night so was tired, as was her other half who took over the night feeding duties.  After the pressie giving and receiving (I got some lovely things) we had a yummy Christmas dinner followed by coffee and a relax.  My son and my daughter's OH (other half), sat and played on their new i Pads.  They left at around 5.00 pm and I have just managed to shove a turkey sandwich and some pickled onions some liquorice allsorts.  My son consumed a pile of chips, sweetcorn and more turkey.

I am now well and truly stuffed and am about to put on my pj's and settle down to watch some tv...The Royle Family is on later, but I don't expect great things from it to be honest...I think it has lost all its sparkle now and they should have stopped making more whilst the going was good.

The decision to be made now is whether or not to have a gin, a Baileys, a Tia Maria or an Advocaat...mmmmm, maybe one of each (lol).

Monday 24 December 2012

Oooooh it's Christmas Eve......

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Well it's my first post...hello there.

Christmas Eve, and I am sitting here awaiting the new Christmas edition of "Outnumbered" on the BBC shortly.  I hope it lives up to expectations as I have thoroughly enjoyed the previous ones.  I think I may just manage to force a Bailey's or three down.  Son and his friends are in the other room playing on the X Box.

I know this post is somewhat boring, but I aim to amuse you in further posts.......