Friday, 8 February 2013

Fish and Chip Friday......

My daughter came with Noah this morning and we went to a lovely fish and chip restaurant nearby for lunch...the portions are huge and come with tea and bread and butter, it was delicious.  Noah slept the whole time we were in there in his pushchair.  My daughter had a naughty dessert, but I was very good and abstained.

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We then went into town as my daughter wanted to buy some material as she loves sewing.  I bought some books for Noah to go into his little toy box that arrived yesterday.  I have some toys in there too that I ordered for him, so that my daughter doesn't have to trail anything with her when she comes to my house.  Somehow, a bag of sweets ended up in my basket too (so much for me not having the dessert).

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I have de-cluttered my bookcase this evening and now have a huge pile of books to take to the charity shop next week.  I am keeping up to my de-cluttering promise of getting rid of a few things each is unbelievable how much stuff I have and don't use.   I am hoping to downsize my house at some point and want to make it easier for when I move.

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Had a lovely chat with my son on the phone, and I can't wait for him to come home again at Easter.

I'm not really hungry tonight after the fish and chips, so I have just had a couple of slices of cheese on toast.

I will have a nice vodka and tonic tonic and watch some stuff I have on record.

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