Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Was going out, but decided to stay in.......

Well due to the blimmin weather...snow again this morning for a while, I was supposedly going to my appointment at the Asthma Clinic up at my doctor's surgery, but I decided that I wasn't going anywhere on a day like this so I cancelled and made another appointment instead.  I only have very very mild asthma, and it is mostly controlled by an inhaler.  I am hardly ever ill, and cannot remember the last time I actually went to see my doctor about anything healthwise...so it does actually make me quite cross that I have to turn up at these Asthma Clinics when I don't really need to.  Surely, the Asthma Nurse can see by my records that I haven't been to the surgery for yonks, and that if I was actually suffering with my asthma I would be making an appointment.  She does nothing constructive when I actually get there other than ask me the same questions about the management of my asthma and then asks me to show her exactly how I use the inhaler...you think I would have got the idea of using it by now wouldn't you, after all it's been nearly 30 years.  They are always sending letters to tell you to make an appointment...I get repeat prescriptions for my inhalers which are sent automatically to the chemist nearby.

Apparently, the surgery gets money funded to them if they can get people to go to these clinics, so that's why they are keen for folks to go.  Another bug bear is the fact that they are ALWAYS running behind schedule, and I have been known to have been sitting in the waiting room for nearly an hour...now that is bad, but I don't work so I don't need to get time off to go; what about people who do actually work and have to be back at work or leave early for one of these appointments and then are kept endlessly waiting.

There another rant over and done with...I'm definitely a GOW (grumpy old woman) these days.

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Well my day at home has not been wasted, and because my friend is coming to stay for the weekend on Friday when she finishes work, I have cleaned, dusted and hoovered the spare bedroom, cleaned the bathroom thoroughly and washed the floor and cleaned the downstairs loo and washed down the paintwork and floor....phew.

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I stopped briefly for some chicken soup at lunchtime, and then did some more jobs.

I am just about to make a pasta rigatoni now for later, and I will make extra so that I can take some along for my daughter and her OH to have too.

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